15 April 2011

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning started a few weeks back.  First with the apartment, clearing out the closets, and drawers in an attempt to eliminate the clutter.  Then somehow during the process I noticed that I needed a spring cleaning too, physically and mentally.

A few years back I had witnessed the amazing transformation of my friend as he transitioned to a Raw Food Diet.  He was enthusiastic about the changes it had made in his life and always sharing interesting raw dishes he had concocted.  My curiosity and my taste buds were sparked and I started doing more research into the Raw Food Movement.

What I was reading was compelling, testimonials of people who had conquered weight loss, depression, arthritis, cancer, digestive issues, and the list goes on.  Inspired by what I was reading, I went blazing into a 7 day juice fast and then a 90% Raw Diet.  The detox was intense, but once I was through it I had never felt better.  For six months I felt a lightness, balance and clarity that I had never experienced, and then I started a slow spiral that led me back towards my Standard American Diet. 

Feeling the general Blahs lately my husband and I decided to start transitioning more Raw Foods back into our lives and to start cutting out processed foods.  We're taking it a little slower this time, but I'm already starting to notice the results.  When you think about all the valuable vitamins and nutrients you get from fruits and vegetables in their natural form it's pretty much a No Brainer.

Incorporating raw food into your life can sound daunting.  Believe me, you're talking to someone who rarely had a salad or touched a raw vegetable until my late 20's.   So I've decided to start sharing with you some of my favorite simple Raw and Transitional dishes, plus other aspects for bringing health and healing to you and your environment.

Featured Juice:  Beet, Carrot, Spinach, Garlic, Cilantro. Ginger, Pear, and Apple